Friday, February 4, 2011

Endometriosis and the Sugar Connection – by Jason Christoff - Columns - Seaway News

Sugar reduction - Get Fit Cornwall – by Jason Christoff - Columns - Seaway News

The key to youthful skin, energy and vibrant health
Topics : North American , Department of Health and Exercise Science , Colordo State University , New Guinea , Paraguay The key to optimal health (including vibrant skin) can be readily found in different societies who don’t consume what are known as low quality, non-organic, high glycemic processed foods. This is what Dr. Cordain, a professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colordo State University, has concluded. Her team of researchers spent extended periods of time studying the diets of communities not overrun by processed North American style food choices. For example, a 6-week study of 1,200 native Islanders in New Guinea ended with not one case of acne found and that group included 300 teenagers. These native islanders lived simply on fish, coconut and root vegetables.

Dr. Weston A. Price also traveled the globe conducting a similar study, which lasted 10 years. Dr. Price not only found clear skin among populations who had no contact with unhealthy processed North American food choices but he also found that all whole organic food eating populations had straight teeth, almost no cavities (without the use of any fluoride) smooth/quick child birth, infants who didn’t cry during the day and slept through the nights, few degenerative diseases (most populations not having a word for cancer), low levels of infant deformities and insignificant levels of depression/emotional disorders. Immunity was never an issue as well, with no vaccinations.

This amazing 10-year study is painstakingly documented in the book that has become the bible of health for people who support the body’s natural functions. The name of Dr. Weston A Price’s book is, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.” The foods that Dr. Price found to cause disease and dysfunction among the native populations are some of the exact same foods promoted as healthy by modern food manufacturers and certain government based eating structures. If you visit Dr. Yoni Freedhoff’s website ( you can find backdoor information regarding how unhealthy food choices make it onto our dinner plates.

In fact, many experts now believe that these government food recommendations that were meant to be "heart healthy” and “beneficial to all who followed them" may be responsible for the epidemics of heart disease, type-2 diabetes and obesity facing the nation. (Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons, Winter 2004)

In another two year study Dr. Cordain examined the eating habits of the Ache population in Paraguay. Again, the findings were the same. The population ate only non-processed, whole organic foods. (corn, rice, wild game and root vegetables) In 100 per cent of the group, there was no acne.

Dr. Cordain has described acne as being the result of massive hormonal fluctuations (caused by high blood sugar levels) leading to “unregulated tissue growth”. Other unregulated tissue overgrowth situations like cancer and endometriosis do appear related to unhealthy diets high in sugar, which cause massive hormonal fluctuations in the body.

Although Dr. Otto Warburg (1931 Noble Prize Winner) discovered that cancer cells grow in an anaerobic environment and use sugar as a fuel source not many cancer patients are given the instructions to stay away from sugary processed foods. Although acne, endometriosis and cancer are names of different degenerative diseases their sugar connections are similar. The documentary, “The Beautiful Truth” is a perfect film that explains what’s good to eat in order to avoid cancer growth.

Acne is not the only skin disfigurement high sugar diets can cause. Dr. Michael Lam states that, “sugar, when it’s metabolized in the body, leads to the release of free radicals. This damages your tissue’s cellular structure leading to a break down of collagen.” Collagen is what gives the skin its’ elasticity and prevents permanent wrinkling after you smile or bend your arm/leg etc.

Dr Hyman’s book, “Ultra Metabolism” acts a perfect guide for diets that will balance your blood sugar. If you want to look your best, it starts (and ends) with what you place in your mouth.

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Blog Format. Each month we will touch on a new informative theme/topic related to endometriosis. Daily we will post a short title and "question of the day" followed by a discussion and recap of Book Synopsis below for reference.

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DERAILED Memoirs of a Botched Hysterectomy - Hysterectomy to Remove Fibroids and Cyst - Really was ENDOMETRIOSIS! How does an outwardly healthy 47-year old woman's "routine hysterectomy" become an 18-day ordeal spanning 2 hospitals, 4 surgeries, and $400,000 in medical bills?

DERAILED is a true story - one woman's terrifying journey through a seemingly endless comedy of errors, miss-diagnosis, and near-death experiences. The reader will find themselves immersed in the constant stream of turmoil experienced by the unsuspecting patient; including cover ups, good doctors protecting bad doctors, and hospitals pitted against the other. Who is she? She is any woman, anywhere and everywhere.

Written by a woman unwilling to give up, the author's light hearted approach will endear you to the class and dignity she portrays; including scores of useful medical facts based upon subsequent research in the areas of fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, blood transfusions, drugs, blood clots, bypass implants, and more - all things she endured as a result of a so called "routine hysterectomy."

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